The Business Master (3rd Edition)
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DiscTrak System - Version 1.703
Copyright (c)1992 Blam Entertainment Group, All Rights Reserved
What's New!
With the dynamic nature of this program, my inability to stop
tinkering, changes are always in the works. Because of these
factors, it was necessary to devise a list detailing the
differences from version to version. This revised list is
complete, going back as far as I can possibly remember or try to
reconstruct by looking at old source code. Pick the excuse you
like better.
Version 1.703
* Oops. Version 1.702 managed to break the Compact Disc and
Cassette Tape modes completely. The program would crash any
time the EDIT menu was entered or when running reports from
inside any mode. In general it was pretty messed up.
Everything is okay now, really.
* When adding a record in the Compact Disc or Cassette Tape /
Album mode, the Time Calculate routine will now run regardless
of the setting in the configuration menu. The switch is only
valid when editing an existing record.
* In the CONFIGURATION MENU, the three toggle switches now show
the current state of the option. In previous versions, the
menu indicated the state which would be active if the item was
selected. This seemed a bit cryptic and this change brings us
in line with the rest of our program.
Version 1.702
* It was possible for some data to be truncated in the LaserDisc
and Video Tape reports in the Category and/or Replication
fields. This has been corrected to some extent. This is a
problem which dates way back. We've tried to fix this problem
without increasing the space in the database. If further
modifications are necessary, please let us know.
* Internal modifications to the Configuration Switches.
* A routine to total up the running times of each track has been
added to the Compact Disc and Cassette Tape modes. This
routine can be disabled through a switch in the Configuration
Menu. Though this does not belong in a bug fix load, it's
been included anyway.
Version 1.701
* Match Menu was not clearing properly during the Match Report
creation. This has been corrected.
Version 1.70
* Blam Entertainment Group has moved again, although this time
we stayed in the same country. The program and docs have been
updated with the new address and phone number.
* The four slave databases used by the LaserDisc and Video Tape
modes have been combined into one large database. The storage
routine for the cast, credits, special information and episode
data in the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes has been completely
reworked to cram as much data into the smallest space
possible. This is a further extension of changes made back in
version 1.61 to the song storage in the Compact Disc and
Record Album modes. The update routine is a partial
conversion only. Performing a full conversion in the update
would have added incredible amounts of time to the update
routine. I decided 15 minutes was far worse than 30 seconds.
Editing the records will systematically reformat the data into
the new matrix.
* As the slave databases are now exclusive to specific modes,
the Catalog Number Verification routine now only checks for
duplicates in the Master databases which use the same slave.
For example, the LaserDisc and VideoTape modes uses Slaves 1
& 2 and the Compact Disc and Record Album modes use Slave 4.
These changes will allow for some catalog duplication when
entering CD-Video discs to be entered in both the Compact Disc
Database and the LaserDisc Database.
* Doubles Verification has been moved in the Compact Disc and
Cassette Tape mode. Doubles are now checked between the Main
screen and the Tracks screen. This is to compensate for
possible errors in existing doubles.
* New data compression routines have been implemented.
Additional storage space may be deleted when editing existing
records as the data is formatted into the new matrix.
* The LaserDisc and Video Tape modes have had the Edit screens
reworked. The top of the screen will no longer show cryptic
information for you to decode. The screens will show the same
data as the VIEW option. This has made it necessary to
rewrite the screens at times to make the new changes show up
on the screen.
* The questions asking if you would like to edit information
have been changed. The questions used to pop up, and if
adding a record, would force you to answer YES. Now, the
questions are not even asked if you're adding a record. While
editing, there are no changes to these questions.
* As the world Compact Disc market continues to grow, It has
become necessary to modify things slightly. We are now
capable of tracking up to 999 titles per disc entry in the
Compact Disc and Record Album modes. I realize that there is
no such thing as a 999 track CD, but 8 disc box sets do exist.
* The ability to track for individual Chapter Index names in the
LaserDisc mode has been added. DiscTrak will track up to 999
individual chapter indexes.
* With the added ability to track so many chapter indexes,
episodes and track titles, it was necessary to install an exit
key to keep from having to step through all
chapters/tracks/episodes if not necessary. Pressing the "ESC"
key will skip the remaining chapters/tracks/episodes and
proceed to the next step of the program in the EDIT and VIEW
NOTE: If editing a screen of 10 chapters/titles/episodes, and
the "ESC" key is pressed, any changes made to that screen of
10 will not be saved. Any previous screens which were changed
and any subsequent screens which were not changed will be
stored correctly.
* The ability to track increased numbers chapter indexes, song
titles and episodes has made it necessary to install a backup
key. Pressing "PAGE UP" will reverse the screen by one in the
Chapter Index, Song Titles and Episode Information screens
ONLY. Any changes made to the current screen prior to
pressing either the "PAGE UP" or "PAGE DOWN" keys will be
* The Scan Records routine has a new option to search for
possible matches in the Index of Chapters within the LaserDisc
* The Scan Records routine has a brand new look once the scan
has been completed. A new menu is presented which looks much
like the edit menu screen which allows you to step forward and
backward through all found matches. This menu also adds the
ability to generate a report based on all the matches. The
report can be created at any point in the menu. Reports will
be grouped by catalog number, as this is how the matches
sorted. This menu is active until Quit is selected
* The Edit Menu is now active until QUIT MENU is selected.
After a VIEW, PRINT, EDIT or whatever, the EDIT MENU will
return, displaying the current record.
* When editing a record in the Compact Disc and Record Album
modes, you will now be asked if you want to edit the track
information. This question is skipped if you are adding a
record. This will keep you from having to step through all
the songs unnecessarily.
* The catalog numbers field in the Video Tape mode has an
enhanced. Originally, this field of 12 characters would strip
off the last three for control purposes. This has been
changed. All 12 characters are now allowed.
* Several discs have appeared which are LaserDisc issues of
spectacular motion pictures shot in the IMAX (R) format. The
presence of this has been accounted for in the Widescreen
format field.
* Widescreen definitions have been reworked. Also, the aspect
ratio of each is displayed on the VIEW Record option from the
EDIT menu. This is valid for the LaserDisc and Video Tapes
modes only.
* The Video Tape mode now has a field for Date of Purchase.
This field has always been available in the LaserDisc mode.
We decided there was more code to exclude it from Video tapes
than there was to include it.
* The Library field in the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes has
been changed on the Edit screens to show the actual name of
the library, rather than a single character identification.
The library field in all other modes remains unchanged.
* Super Laser, a fairly new and some-what compatible LaserDisc
enhancement, is now supported. Super Laser boasts increased
video resolution by removing the analog audio and taking up
it's space with additional video information. That's right.
To play a Super LaserDisc, you must have a player capable of
Digital Sound. That means that old Pioneer LD-660 in the
closet won't work on these discs.
* The EPISODE INFORMATION has been expanded in the LaserDisc and
Video Tape modes. The previous limit to the number of
Episodes per entry was 4. This limit is now flexible, in a
range from 0 to 99. The entries are paged in the same manner
as the Chapter Index in the LaserDisc mode and Track Listings
in the Compact Disc mode.
NOTE: Any episode information being tracked by previous
versions of DiscTrak will be preserved within this new matrix.
However, the system will assume there are four (4) episodes
regardless of how many are actually being tracked. If
desired, the record can be edited, changing the Episodes field
to reflect the actual number of episodes on the specified
record. Any old space occupied by the vacant records will be
* Due to the expanded screen use in the LaserDisc and Video Tape
modes, the "MORE" message between screens has been moved to
the top of the screen. To make it's presence felt, it will
also flash annoyingly.
* Serial numbers have been expanded. Well, sorta. We've always
used 8 digit serial numbers to be installed into the program,
but only used 6 of those digits. To avoid some amount of
confusion which has been created, we are restoring all serial
numbers to their full 8 digits and will now be reported in the
Program information screen. In addition, the Automatic
Registration Transfer Process will restore your 6 digit serial
number to it's original 8 digits.
* Serial numbers are now tested upon program loading to detect
any possible tampering. If tampering is detected, the program
will abort. Contact Blam Entertainment Group for help should
this occur.
* Way back in version 1.21, we removed all special references to
CD-Video discs from the LaserDisc mode. Well, we've added it
back in. There is not a dedicated field for CD-Video Discs
(or Video Singles as they are know in Japan), but the SPECIAL
* The SPECIAL FIELDS GENERATOR has been given another JACKET
TYPE option in the LaserDisc mode. There are several discs
floating around packaged in what is being called a Digi-Pak.
This is now tracked for.
* With the addition of Digi-Pak disc packaging in the LaserDisc
mode, the name for Disc Box has been changed to the more
suitable name BOX SET.
* The SPECIAL FIELDS GENERATOR has been given an enhancement
with regards to JAPANESE SUBTITLES. This flag has been
expanded to include ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH and ITALIAN
SUBTITLES. If any additional languages are required, let us
know and changes will be made.
* The UTILITIES MENU has had the following modifications.
. Program Information screen access is now through this menu.
. Dos Shell access has been moved to this menu.
* A new Library Location has been added to the LaserDisc and
Video Tape modes. This location is called TO BE VIEWED. I
use it for titles I have purchased, but haven't viewed yet.
Once viewed, the titles should be placed in their proper
* The REPORT MENU has a new inclusion option for the TO BE
VIEWED library location. The report will contain only those
titles as being tagged TO BE VIEWED. These titles will also
be included in the OWNED category.
* The REPORT MENU has been altered slightly to clean up the use
of the progression bar during scanning.
* Back in version 1.62 when the Catalog Number report was added
in the REPORT MENU, the Category option was changed to
Type/category. This has been changed back as the Type option
conflicted with the Title option in the LaserDisc and Video
Tape modes. This conflict was only noticed when selecting the
reports with the key stroke rather than the light bar.
* Catalog Number grouping in the REPORT MENU has been changed to
NUMBERED CATALOG. A bit cryptic, but unavoidable. This is to
correct for the operational goof made when introducing this
report grouping in version 1.62.
* While I try to keep up to date on all aspects of the markets
which this program covers, I have neglected the occurrences of
Dolby Surround Sound on Compact Discs and Cassette Tapes. The
Compact Disc and Album/Tape catalog has been enhanced to
account for this.
* If upgrading from a past version, the last active record in
each mode will not be remembered, for the first running of
this version. This is due to new data storage routines.
* The indicator bar at the top of the screen which displays INS
when in the insert mode is now turned on any time extended
keyboard input is required.
* ARJ archive program has been added to the list of supported
archive programs.
* All configuration switches and options have been moved to the
CONFIGURATION MENU off the main menu. As a result, the
following changes have been made:
. SELECT ARCHIVE allows for ARJ as well as PKZip and LHA.
* Digital sound for the theatre keeps popping up. And there
continue to be new digital sound processes to record sound
onto motion picture film. The newest of which is Dolby
Spectral Recording Digital. The Spectral Recording question
in the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes has been enhanced to
include this new process.
* The modification of the title in the LaserDisc and Video tape
modes has been revamped. ANY time the title is present, the
title is reassembled to it's correct format (ie, "The Hunt for
Red October" from "Hunt for Red October, The"). The altered
format (with the "THE" at the end) will never be visible and
is maintained in the database for sorting reasons.
* The number of spaces allowed for production credits has been
increased by two to 29 in each field within the LaserDisc and
Video Tape modes.
* The number of spaces allowed for the individual song titles in
the Compact Disc and Album/Tape modes has been increased to
60. This should clear up those really long title messes.
* In the Video Tape and LaserDisc modes, the episode number
field has been increased to 5 characters to help accommodate
the very odd episode numbering for programs like "The
* The option for 156 character Reports and 132 Character reports
has been removed. Instead, the system will now allow you to
pick between three reports under the REPORT FORMAT MENU which
is under the CONFIGURATION MENU. The three choices are: Small
(the old 132 character report), Landscape (the old 156
character report) and Portrait. The Portrait report is
exactly the same information as the Landscape report, but
allows you to put in a different printer command line to
squeeze the report into roughly 20 characters per inch.
Reports will be 62 lines per page on the Portrait and Small
selection and 47 lines per page on the Landscape selection.
* The PRINTER SETUP MENU has been given two additional sections
to allow for the new Portrait report.
* Under the REPORTS MENU, the line telling which report format
is being used (156 column or 132 column) has been changed to
state the new report names; Portrait, Landscape or Small.
* In the Compact Disc mode, when selecting the REPORTS MENU, you
were presented with "All Records" and "Quit Menu" in the first
menu. I felt this was a pointless menu, so we now skip
directly to the grouping menu. All other modes remain
* In the Compact Disc and Record Album/Tape modes, the order of
the fields being presented has been changed to allow for more
logical program flow.
* The EDIT and VIEW screens have been reformatted in the Compact
Disc and Record Album/Tape modes. This is to make more
efficient use of screen space. The most notable change is the
moving of CATALOG NUMBER to the middle box.
* The ARCHIVE DATA routine now includes the DT.CFG file into the
* The ARCHIVE DATA routine now runs maintenance before archiving
the databases to insure that no deleted records are stored.
* Record locking in the FILE MAINTENANCE routine has been
revamped slightly.
* The update routine will delete all indexes and rebuild them
when upgrading to a new version. This is to correct problems
when upgrading from specific versions to find slave
information missing. The information wasn't actually missing,
the slave simply had a corrupt index file.
* The .CFG file from version 1.61 could not be read correctly by
version 1.62. This version will configure the .CFG file from
version 1.61 properly.
* After using the SCAN MENU routines and viewing the default
record in the EDIT MENU, the slave data from the last view in
the SCAN routine was being displayed. This has been
* In the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes, if an empty report was
chosen, the active record number would be remembered
incorrectly. This has been corrected.
* There was a problem with program crashes during the printing
of reports directly from inside DiscTrak. This was due to
memory restrictions on some computers. The routine has been
altered to correct this trouble. The program will drop to DOS
momentarily and initiate the printout.
* Some printers would eject 2 pages after the completion of a
printed report rather than just one. This was because I was
putting the final Form Feed after the clear down string rather
than before. This has been corrected.
* The 156 character report (LANDSCAPE) has been changed to write
only 47 lines per page rather than 48. This was to prevent
problems with blank pages being included between the pages of
the report.
* When changing the Stereo Type from anything other than MONO to
MONO in the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes and the Magnetic
Audio field had been previously set in the SPECIAL FIELDS
GENERATOR, the default number of tracks was not getting
updated correctly. This is a carryover I missed in the
modifications made in version 1.62. This has been corrected.
* An unnecessary delay in the Automatic Registration Transfer
has been removed.
* In the Compact Disc and Record Album/Tape modes, if for some
reason an entire group of five songs and their run times were
left blank (songs 1-5, 6-10, etc.) DiscTrak would cleverly
decide that YOU goofed and left those five titles blank by
mistake. In reality, DiscTrak was goofing. This situation
has been corrected. If you feel the need to have the first 15
songs blank for some reason, we'll maintain the integrity.
NOTE: If the data was written incorrectly, this fix will not
correct it automatically. You must edit the record again to
correct the problem.
* If lower case letters were used to change a catalog number
while in the Catalog Duplication Check, it was possible to
assign two different entries with the same catalog number.
This has been corrected.
* If a record was set to be deleted in the LaserDisc and Video
Tape modes was reedited, the default answer would be incorrect
for the library location. This has been corrected.
* In some very rare circumstances, it was possible for empty
slaves to get saved in the Compact Disc and Record/Tape modes.
This has been corrected.
* While writing reports in the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes,
there were problems with the line wrapping of the second line
of the title, if a third line was necessary. This has been
* In the Record Album / Cassette Tape modes, when a report was
run, the top letter of the word FILE was missing in the report
header. This has been corrected.
* While viewing a record, the character of key pressed to step
to the next screen was being displayed on the bottom line next
to the words "DiscTrak System". This has been corrected.
* If in the GROUPING MENU and the QUIT option was selected
rather than running a report, the last record would be
remembered incorrectly. This has been corrected.
* When the loader file was changed from a .COM file to a .EXE
file back in version 1.62, the program still requested the
.COM file if trying to run DiscTrak without typing DT <ENTER>.
This was a simple typographical error in the code, and has
been corrected.
* A nearly complete restructuring of the code has been done.
Version 1.62
* The loader program has been changed from a .COM file to an
.EXE file.
* Version checks are modified to stop the use of older version
.EXE files on newer version database.
* Blam Entertainment Group has moved to Canada. The program and
docs have been updated with the new address.
* Once again, those people in Hollywood have decided to add
something else to movies. Q-Sound, which we have been
tracking since version 1.50 in the Compact Disc and Album/Tape
modes has been spotted on films recently. For this reason,
the SPECIAL FIELDS GENERATOR has been given another booster.
* When changing the Stereo Type from anything other than MONO to
MONO, the Spectral Recording, Surround Sound and Magnetic
Audio flags were not getting updated. This has been
* When editing the SPECIAL FIELDS GENERATOR in the LaserDisc
mode, if the JACKET TYPE was TRI-FOLD, the default answer was
presented as GATE-FOLD incorrectly. This has been fixed.
* Due to new compression procedures, the AUTOMATIC REGISTRATION
TRANSFERAL and SERIAL NUMBER routines required extensive
* While scanning the Special Features area in the Scan Records
routine the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes, it was possible to
tag invalid records and display them as being valid. This has
been corrected.
* In the UTILITIES MENU, the option CHARACTERS has been renamed
EXTEND CHR to allow for the new CODES flag. It is now
accessed through "E".
* The Printer Setup has been rewritten. Now the PRINTER MENU
allows you to select and modify the codes one at a time. In
addition we now allow for all control codes under ASCII 31.
This is to accommodate some of the older printer which
actually use control codes instead of escape sequences.
* The environment variable CLIPPER was being set at the program
onset then removed after exiting. However, if you have
CLIPPER in your environment, it was removed completely. We
now modify any existing CLIPPER variable upon execution of
DT.EXE and restore it to it's original value upon program
* The Utilities Menu has got a new option CODES. With this
option set to on (Default) the printer codes you specify in
the PRINTER MENU will be added to the printed reports. If you
turn CODES off, they will be omitted from the reports.
* Under the REPORT GROUPING MENU there is a new option to group
the report based on the Catalog Number.
* In the REPORT MENU under GROUPING, the Category option has
been changed to TYPE/Category to accommodate the new Catalog
Number option.
* Report file names have been modified to allow for all the new
report options. Refer to the DT-USER.DOC file for the full
description of this change.
* The REPORT MENU in the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes has been
given a new report. Reports can now be run based on all
titles in the Movie and Non-Movie libraries as well as each
library independently.
* Reports written from the Video Tape mode, when grouped by the
Replication field were being presented incorrectly. This has
been corrected.
* Screen colors have been properly reset upon program exit.
* Users manual has been reworked to clear up some minor errors.
* A problem with leaving empty slave records in the Compact Disc
and Record Album / Cassette Tape modes has been corrected.
* Some minor screen writing corrections in the Record View/Print
in the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes have been made.
* Version numbers were being remembered wrong in specific cases.
Not very serious, but potentially troublesome.
Version 1.611
* Changes to the various documentation files as shipped. The
Installation program is also modified.
* If the program were to end unnaturally, but without any
errors, the temporary control file wasn't being deleted. This
has been corrected.
* Cinema Digital Sound has begun popping up on video releases.
This flag is available under the SPECIAL FIELDS GENERATOR.
Version 1.61
* Membership in the Association of Shareware Professionals has
been approved. Their logo is under the Program Information
* Several discs have show up with a Surround Sound Check pattern
at the end of the program. As usual, there is now a question
about it in the SPECIAL FIELDS GENERATOR of the Video Tape and
LaserDisc Modes only. This question will not be asked if
there is no Surround Sound on the disc or tape.
* DiscTrak now writes DT.CFG which holds important information
regarding program operation. Don't delete it.
* The exit routine has been sped up if there is no maintenance
to be done.
* Not that anyone really cares, but those pesky color bars keep
popping up at the end of releases on LaserDisc. The SPECIAL
FIELDS GENERATOR now asks if they are present. Again, this is
in the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes only.
* When DiscTrak calculates the default catalog number in all
modes, it always generated the same number. To prevent
troubles, the default is now the total number of records in
the current mode. For the sake of further troubles with
Slave/Master linking, try not to use the default catalog
number and use what is suggested in the DT-USER.DOC file.
* The Environment Variable set by DT.COM is now cleared from
memory when the program is finished.
* DiscTrak only calculates the report headers once per report,
rather than at every page break as with previous versions.
* Due the very nature of the UTILITIES MENU, instead of taking
you back to the main menu after selecting an operation, the
utilities menu stays present, allowing you to select another
option automatically.
* Back in version 1.60, we increased the database storage space
for song titles by 10 bytes per 5 titles. As this was really
only a temporary patch, the song storage routine has been
completely reworked to cram as much data into the smallest
space possible. You now have the ability to track ALL 40
CHARACTERS in EVERY ONE of the 99 song titles without dropping
a single character.
* DiscTrak now tracks for the run times of each individual song
in the Compact Disc and Album/Tape modes.
* In the Compact Disc and Album/Tape modes, troubles with song
titles going all over the screen due to extremely long title
names has been corrected.
* We now allow you to send printer codes directly to the printer
during the report writing routine. You specify the codes to
send in the UTILITIES MENU.
* DiscTrak will not load if the .COM cannot set an environment
variable. If you get an OUT OF ENVIRONMENT message, you may
need to increase your environment size. Check with your DOS
manuals to find out how to do this.
* In the Record Album / Cassette Tape mode, the words "Noise
Reduction" would appear all the time during the edit and view
routines. The words are now displayed when appropriate.
* In an incomplete attempt to improve coding procedures, we
allowed DiscTrak to run amuck with memory. The fault is with
program lockups during the indexing within the report writer.
We've finished the modifications and cleaned up the memory
troubles. This has even picked up some speed in the report
* The index generation routine has been trimmed down
* We've added a crash recovery file so that if the program
should crash for some reason, the databases might not know who
they are when you try to run the program again. The crash
recovery file will allow you access to the database again upon
the next running of DiscTrak without having to test for
* The FIND option under the EDIT MENU has been modified. If an
exact match is not found, the system will look for a close
possible match the same way it looks for matches in the SCAN
Records routine.
Version 1.601
* Back in version 1.22b, we increased the Dos Shell environment
space to 400 bytes. There are some instances where even this
wasn't enough. For this release, the environmental space in
the Shell has been increased to 1k.
* While editing a LaserDisc, the Multi-Channel question in the
SPECIAL FIELDS GENERATOR had been made more intelligent. You
will only be presented options for Digital Multi-Channel sound
if you select Digital Sound on the initial screen.
* There are some cosmetic VIEW changes with regards to Multi-
Channel Audio in the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes.
* Some versions of DOS, when calculating the number of seconds
elapsed since midnight, begin their count from "0" rather than
"00000". With this release, we will always calculate a 5
digit number for individual record printout names.
* You'd think that after all this code clean up, I'd have
cleared it all out, but no. When you dink with this code as
long as I have, you find better ways of doing the same thing.
This is what has happened here. Still more code clean up in
this release.
Version 1.60
* The 35 song title per record limit in the Compact Disc and
Record Album modes has been altered. The new limit is 99
titles per record.
* When editing an existing record in the Compact Disc and
Cassette Tape / Record Album modes, the song titles are not
displayed until the program reads the number of tracks
entered. This is to prevent problems recording information in
titles 6-10 if they don't already exist.
* The loader file has been changed from a .BAT file to a .COM
file. DiscTrak will not create it for you if it is missing
and the program will not load without it.
* Due to overwhelming demands, DiscTrak now writes two different
length reports. The UTILITIES MENU has an option for 132
Character Reports as well as 156 Character reports.
* Report names have been modified to show the format of the
report and extended character setting. The program
documentation gives full details regarding the names of the
reports themselves. Look at the example name below.
\-/||||| \-/
| ||||| \-- Standard Extension
| ||||\----- Report Format
| |||\------ Character Setting
| ||\------- Report Grouping
| |\-------- Report Category
| \--------- System Mode
\----------- Standard Header
* DiscTrak now supports printing a report direct from within the
program. After a report is run, you will be asked if you wish
to print the report. If yes, the program will tell you how to
set your printer before the printing begins. PRINT.COM,
provided with your DOS files, must be resident for this
* In the Compact Disc and Cassette Tape / Record Album modes,
the 156 column report has been altered. The positions of the
Year and Category columns have been reversed. This brings the
reports in line with the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes.
* The light bar menus now wrap. If the bar is on the first
option and you select the up arrow, the bar will move to the
last option on the list. This is also true in the reverse.
* Within the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes, the stereo section
of the view screens has been trimmed up. Not much visual
difference, but it does keep the screen less cluttered.
* When selecting a stereo type in the LaserDisc and Video Tape
modes, the option for "Re-Mix" has been changed to
"Electronically Re-Mixed". The single key pick has been
changed from "R" to "E" as a result.
* In the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes, changes have been made
to the Surround Sound selection menu.
* If you pick any of the displayed options under EDIT MENU while
in any mode and the database is empty, the ADD RECORD option
is the only one which will work. All other options, except
for of course the QUIT option, will display an invalid option
* In the Compact Disc and Cassette Tape / Record Album modes,
there have been troubles with every 4th and/or 5th song title
getting cut off. This has been cleared somewhat. Songs are
stored in groups of 5. Therefore, a series of very long
titles tend to take up quite a bit of room and the storage
database runs out of space for that group of 5 titles. The
storage capacity of the database has been increased to combat
this problem.
* The structure of Slave 3 has been reduced now that all titles
in the Compact Disc and Cassette Tape / Record Album modes
have been moved into Slave 4.
* In the UTILITY MENU, LHA (formerly LHARC) is now supported in
addition to PKZip. This setting works the same as the
Character On/Off switch. The option shown is which
compression routine will be active if selected.
* In the UTILITY MENU, the ZIP database option has been renamed
ARCHIVE DATA to allow for the new LHA support.
* In the interest of proper grammar, all references in the
LaserDisc and Video Tape modes to THEATRIC TRAILERS have been
* A closing message has been added when the program exits.
* The Automatic Registration Transferal process required some
minor modifications.
* Huge chucks of code have been removed due to the new coding of
titles the Compact Disc and Record Album modes.
* There has been a lot of talk about aspect ratio lately. The
big question is "To letterbox or not to letterbox". I've
revamped the Widescreen question into a much broader scope.
* The update routine has been slightly revamped, again.
Version 1.50
* With the release of a disc from Criterion Collection just
after Thanksgiving 1990, a new jacket design was introduced.
I call it the "Tri-Fold" jacket. This has two fold out
sections, each end housing a disk and a third disk in located
in the center. This is a really neat jacket as it gives the
art department 6 panels to cover. Like they could find
something good to put on 6 panels anyway. But I'm not one to
stand in the way of progress, so I've changed the GATE FOLD
question in the SPECIAL FEATURES GENERATOR in the LaserDisc
mode to SELECT JACKET TYPE. You can specify Standard Single
sleeves, Gate Fold, Tri-Fold or Disc Box.
* There is a new noise reduction system waiting in the wings.
Those guys at Dolby Labs have come up with a way to
selectively isolate tape hiss. The result is CD quality sound
on standard cassette tape. This new system is called DOLBY S
and as we are always on the cutting edge here, the Cassette
Tape / Record Album mode has been given this new option.
* A new audio routine has been introduced allowing those without
a surround sound processor to get multi-dimensional sound out
of their standard stereo equipment. Q-Sound is the name of
this mixing process and has been used on just a few CD and
cassette releases as of yet. As this is rumored to be the
wave of the future, I've added a flag for this in the Compact
Disc and Tape / Album modes.
* When using DiscTrak for the first time, all databases are
empty and when entering the EDIT MENU, a null record was
displayed. This has been changed to state that the database
is empty.
* The 25 record per mode limitation for unregistered versions of
this program has been removed.
* In the SCAN RECORDS routine, while in the LaserDisc or Video
Tape modes, once a selection had been made, the screen cleared
the menu of choices, leaving the "Cast" prompt by mistake.
The screen is no longer cleared, displaying the type of search
being done.
* Running the file maintenance routine from any mode except the
LaserDisc mode, if there were records to be deleted and the
current record was not to be deleted, the record could be
remembered incorrectly. This has been corrected.
* During file maintenance, if a record was marked for deletion
and then remarked to another selection and no other records
were marked for deletion in any mode, indexes would be erased
and recreated. This has been corrected.
* I've continued to run into problems with record deletion.
With this release, I think I've got all the kinks worked out
of the system. There were troubles with marking a record for
deletion and the program not deleting it as well as marking a
record for deletion, remarking it so not to delete it and the
slaves being deleted anyway.
* Intelligent coding has sped up the record saving routine and
cleaned up some other half-assed ways of doing things.
* If you select "Zip Database" in the Utilities Menu, the
program would zip everything with a ".DBF" extension. With
this version, the command line sent to PKZIP will be as
follows -- "PKZIP/U DT-D-xxx DT?.DBF" where xxx is the version
of DiscTrak.
* Back in version 1.40, I changed the routine which puts the
"A", "AN", and "THE" at the end of the title in the LaserDisc
and Video Tape modes to check for upper and lower case.
Somehow I forgot to check for lower case "A" option. It's
fixed now, really.
* There have been very minor alterations to the update routines,
Version 1.402
* The Scan Records routine has a new option under the LaserDisc
and Video Tape modes. You can now also search the special
features field for possible matches.
* If the ESC key is pressed in the MODE SELECT MENU, DiscTrak
would try to select a null mode and a program crash will
result. This has been corrected.
* If the extended character set was disabled in the Utilities
Menu, the program would write a 1 byte file called "DT.CFG".
This file is no longer written or used.
* The update routine has been completely rewritten to correct
for program crashes when upgrading from very old versions or
running the program after a crash.
* If a report is written during the 10am hour from the REPORT
MENU, the "1" would get cut off, resulting in a time that read
"0:00am". This has been corrected.
* Internal code modifications have been made to increase speed
and maintain the small program size.
Version 1.401
* The routine for adding additional records has been cleaned up
to remove potential internal stack problems.
* The update routine has been modified for future expansion.
Updates will only be applied if the version number changes
from in the tenths decimal position rather than the hundredths
Version 1.401
| ||\-- Bug Fix number --\ No updates are
| |\--- Version number --/ required when
| | changed
| |
| \---- Version number --\ Updates are
\------ Series Number ---/ required when
Version 1.40
* ALL NEW!!! All choices are now first letter driven. In
addition, a lighted menu bar can cursor from option to option.
* DiscTrak System now test for the presence of a color monitor.
You know what that means, MONOCHROME is now directly
* DiscTrak now tests for a parallel printer during the Record
Print routine and the Scan records routine. If the printer is
not found, the information is written directly to disk with
the following naming structure:
\-/\---/ \-/
| | \-- Standard Extension
| \------- Seconds Elapsed Since Midnight
\----------- Standard Header
* Indexes keys in all modes have been changed to allow for more
accurate linking.
* The Video Cassette mode has been renamed Video Tape for
simplicity reasons.
* All references to Stars in this program have been changed to
* References to Credits has been expanded to Production Credits
to remove conflicts with the new "Cast" Designation.
* When adding a record in any mode, the system now asks if you
would like to enter another record. Answering yes repeats the
record add routine. No takes you back to the main menu.
* During the VIEW option in the LaserDisc and Video Tape modes,
if there are no stars or credits in the database for the
selected record, the program skips over that screen and goes
directly to the Special Features/Episode screen. If that
screen is also empty, it is not displayed either.
* Operation in the Scan Record routine has changed. Instead of
the select output question, you will be shown the valid match
and then asked if you want to print it. This is to save paper
and sanity.
* The Scan Record routine has been given a new option. Under
the LaserDisc and Video Tape Modes, you can now search for any
information in the episodes information.
* Dos Shell, way back in version 1.30 suddenly worked great. It
even remembered the directory the program was running in. I
neglected to keep track of one thing, the proper drive. This
has been added.
* In the LaserDisc and Video Tape mode, the default selection
for the library classification has been changed from DELETE to
* In the EDIT MENU, if you select either NEXT RECORD or PREVIOUS
RECORD, the system will change that to the default for the
next key press.
* All references to "EXIT" have been changed to "QUIT" and is
now accessed trough "Q" rather than "X".
* With the addition of the UTILITY MENU, the following changes
have been made:
. Archiving the datebases with PKZip has been moved to here.
. File Maintenance has been moved to this menu.
* The MAIN MENU has incorporated the following changes:
. Scan Record routine has been moved from the EDIT MENU.
. DOS SHELL and is now accessed through the letter "D".
* The EDIT MENU has incorporated the following modifications:
. Add Record has been moved to this menu.
. Record Print is now accessed with "R".
* Under the REPORT MENU, the following changes have been made:
. Now Available is now accessed with "N" rather than "A".
. All Records is now accessed with "A" rather than "L".
. Option to include only the Tapes OR Records in the Tape Mode
* Under the GROUPING MENU, which is under the REPORT MENU, the
following changes have been made:
. MPAA Rating is now accessed with "M" rather than "R".
. Replication is now accessed with "R" rather than "P".
. Video Label is now accessed with "V" rather than "L".
. Record Label is now accessed with "R" rather than "L".
* The Album/Tape mode has been renamed the Tape/Album mode.
* Under the Tape/Album mode, the option for Dolby HX Pro as a
Noise reduction method has been removed. Instead, it is asked
as a question in addition to the Noise Reduction setting.
* The Tape/Album mode asks a new question. Extended Dynamic
Range cassettes are everywhere. I neglected to notice this
when building the mode initially. The program references this
system by it's trademark call letters XDR.
* In the LaserDisc and Video Tape Modes, a selection has been
added to the Color Type question. Electronically Colorized
movies are out there no matter how much the public hates them.
* Extensive source code rewrites to allow for a more
user-friendly interface and future expansion. Program speed
has also been improved.
* Catalog Duplication checks have been modified to increase
speed when a duplicate is found. Unfortunately, the speed
with which the checks themselves are made can't be sped up any
* The update routines have been sped up. Messages will flash on
the screen very quickly.
* The update routine no longer includes updates from specific
revisions. The updates listed also refer to any version
incorporating a letter designator (ie: 1.17c). Refer to
DT-USER.ME for a list of included updates.
* During File Maintenance, DiscTrak now remembers the active
record for all modes when sorting. Previously only the
current mode was remembered.
* Catalog numbers in the Video Tape Mode are limited to 9
characters due to the linking of multiple programs on one
tape. The field will still display 12 characters, but the
trailing 3 will be removed.
* Report headers in the Compact Disc and Tape/Album modes have
been updated. In addition, the time stamp on the top of each
page now calculates for 12 hour time more accurately in all
* Reports in the Compact Disc and Tape/Album mode have a new
grouping option. You can now group your reports by Library
* In the PROGRAM INFORMATION screen, the registration
solicitation message no longer appears once your serial number
is installed.
* Information stored in Slave 4 in the LaserDisc and Video Tape
modes has been moved to Slave 3. This allows the same
information to be stored in a smaller space on your drive.
* When adding a record to the LaserDisc or Video Tape Catalog,
the program checks for the presence of "The", "An" and "A" in
both UPPER and lower case.
* For those of you out there who's printer can't print the
extended character set, there is now an option in the Utility
Menu to disable the Extended characters on any output to file
or printer.
* In the SPECIAL FIELD GENERATOR, if you answer YES to Magnetic
Audio Master and you also selected MONO in the Stereo type,
you will not be asked the number of tracks. The number will
default to 1.
* While viewing a record in the Video Tape mode, the top of the
screen displayed "LaserDisc Catalog" rather than "Video Tape
Catalog". This has been corrected.
* In the File Maintenance Routine, the Video Tape database was
being sorted incorrectly. The only drawbacks were delays in
skipping forward and backward record by record in the EDIT
MENU. This has been corrected.
* Isolated troubles with the serial number installation have
been corrected.
* The system would allow you to delete a catalog number and not
put anything in it's place. Since this field is the basis for
Slave to Master linking, this field will never be blank, no
matter what you do to it.
* Troubles in the Catalog Duplication Routine while in the Video
Tape mode have been corrected.
* In any mode, if you marked a record for DELETION and then
undelete it by marking it with another option, the program
would run the extended maintenance routine when exiting. To
correct for anything getting missed, the program will make a
final scan of the database in use at the time to verify there
are records to be deleted. If not, the extended routine will
not be run.
* During the FILE MAINTENANCE routine, if a file had deleted
records or was sorted, the file was indexed and the
progression bar was not cleared from the screen during the
next database scan mode. This has been corrected.
Version 1.311
* The unprompted option "Z" from the MAIN MENU has been restored
and calls up PKZIP to archive all the .DBF Files. It is up to
you to have PKZIP somewhere on you hard drive. It must be
* Program crashes during the File Maintenance routine when
records have been deleted are fixed. The routine now indexes
before exiting.
* If a title is viewed in either the LaserDisc or Video Cassette
mode and there are no stars or credits listed and there is
information in the special field or episode information (next
screen), the colors on that screen are wrong. This has been
* The current record is now remembered after running the
* Intermittent appearance of the progression bar has been
* If exiting from the program in either the Compact Disc or
Album/Tape modes with the "X" option from the MAIN MENU, the
last active record number was saved incorrectly. This has
been corrected.
* If in either the Compact Disc or Album/Tape modes and a FILE
SORT is performed, the last active record would be remembered
wrong. This has been corrected.
* Two new report groupings have been added. RELEASING LABEL has
been added to all modes and REPLICATION has been added to the
LaserDisc and Video Cassette modes.
Version 1.31
* Search for Names of Stars and Names in Credits has been added
to the LaserDisc and Video Cassette Modes. This is very much
the same as the song search for the Compact Disc and
Album/Tape modes.
* In the Report Menu, the name of the report being written is
now displayed on the screen. Remember, all reports are
written directly to disk, never to the screen or printer.
* The Dos Shell function wrote a 161 byte file called
"DT-SHELL.MEM" to disk which was used to maintain specific
exit sanity information. This file is no longer written or
* In the Song/Star/Credit search routine, the record number
active when entering the routine is remembered and restored
upon returning to the main menu.
* Mixed recording formats on discs have continued to grow.
Especially where an odd side is in CLV/CAA. I've added an
option for this in the SPECIAL FIELD GENERATOR.
* The DISC MENU has been renamed the EDIT MENU and is now
accessed with the letter "E" instead of "D" as with previous
* The FIND RECORD option under the EDIT MENU is now also
available from the MAIN MENU as well. Press "F", which is
unprompted, to find a specific Disc or Tape.
* FILE SORT access key has changed from "F" to "L". This is to
facilitate the Find option from the main menu.
* DiscTrak System now remembers the last active record in all
modes. When you change modes from VCR Cassettes to Compact
Discs, for instance, the program will automatically go to the
last record active in the Compact Disc catalog.
* After a FILE SORT, the current record is now remembered,
rather than defaulting back to the first record.
* The Special Features field on the Episode Information screen
in the LaserDisc and Video Cassette modes has been renamed.
The new name is the Special Information field. Functionally,
there is no change.
* The Special Field Generator in the LaserDisc and Video
Cassette modes has been given the proper name. Again, this
change is functionally non-existent, but the new name makes
more sense. The new name is the Special Feature Fields
* The update routine for v1.30 tended to update when not
necessary, especially if the update ran again, after the
initial update was applied. This has been corrected.
* The program would crash during the Mode Select Screen if a
program record had been either added or edited at any time
before trying to change the mode. This has been corrected.
* The exit routines have been upgraded. There was a problem
with records which were marked for deletion, not actually
getting deleted. This has been corrected.
* Troubles with recording information on Bilingual Discs in the
LaserDisc mode has been corrected.
* Catalog Duplication checks were not being performed under
specific circumstances when adding records. This has been
* During the Song/Star Search routine, the copyright line across
the bottom of the screen used the wrong colors. This is
* The Star/Song Search routine would tag a record as invalid for
the match incorrectly. There will still be invalid matches,
but they are indeed invalid.
* After adding a Compact Disc or a Cassette Tape/Album, the
program would check catalog duplication at any subsequent
editing of any record in that mode. This has been corrected.
* During Song Search, the system failed to pause between the
first and second matches, provided both were valid, to allow
you to exit to the main menu. This has been corrected.
* In the view option of the LaserDisc and Video Cassette modes,
the last two characters of the credits fields would wrap
around to the other side of the screen, provided they
contained the full 27 characters. This has been corrected.
* Spacing on the view option in the LaserDisc field has been
corrected on manual CX encoded discs.
Version 1.30
* Non Registered users are now restricted to 25 records per
mode, due to the now dynamic nature of the program.
* Two new modes of operation are available. Albums/Cassettes
and Video Cassettes.
* With the introduction of v1.30, the program must be invoked
with a batch file, called "DT.BAT". This is included within
the PKZIP file. In addition, the trouble with EXPANDED MEMORY
is now not a problem. EXTENDED MEMORY is shut off for ONLY
CLIPPER COMPILED programs until your computers next reboot.
* The executable file for DiscTrak System is no longer called
"DISCTRAK.EXE". The file is now "DT-xxx.EXE" where xxx is the
version number of the program. (i.e. version 1.30 is called
* A new option is available for Compact Disc collectors. The
ability to search the entire database for a specific song has
been added. The five slaves will be searched and then the
appropriate Master will be scanned. You can output the
information to the Screen or to the Printer.
* Screen changes to the Compact Disc Mode to make things look a
little bit cleaner.
* In the Compact Disc mode now asks two questions, much like
those at the beginning of the LaserDisc edit and add screens.
The fields for AAD/ADD/DDD and CD3/CDV/CDG are now questions
rather than direct edit fields.
* The Compact Disc mode used to step you through all 35 possible
tracks during a disc add or edit. The number of fields
displayed is now controlled by the number of tracks you
specify. You are still allowed only 35 track titles.
* DiscTrak now remembers the last active record as well as the
active mode. Any time you re-enter DiscTrak System without a
command line switch, the program will automatically go to the
last record active on the system in the appropriate mode.
* Shell to Dos option now removes the program entirely from
memory, allowing you to run any application you wish while in
the shell. When you return to DiscTrak, the program will
remember which mode, record and the proper directory which
were active at the point of exit.
* Program exits have been significantly sped up. The program
now runs very quick maintenance on the files unless you have
tagged a record for deletion during the session.
* Program crashes when an invalid grouping selection was made in
REPORTS MENU has been corrected. If invalid selection is
made, the default option is in effect.
* Program crashes in the Mode Select option have been corrected.
* The number of Stars the program will track per movie in the
LaserDisc and Video Cassette modes has been increased to 8.
* The number of characters allowed in each of the Stars Fields
in the LaserDisc and Video Cassette modes has been increased
to 32.
* The number of characters allowed in each of the Credits Fields
in the LaserDisc and Video Cassette modes has been increased
to 27.
* The "More" prompt has been moved to the left side of the
* When files were missing, the program said they were listed on
the right. They've always been on the left.
* There have been several movies, which in their credits
specifically reference being recorded in a LucasFilm THX
equipped theatre. For these pictures, I have added a flag for
* Additional footage is something that pops up from time to
time. You are now asked this question during the SPECIAL
* The Default answer for the side number for the Short Side CAV
question in the SPECIAL FIELD GENERATOR now defaults to the
last side specified for the disc being edited.
* The Special Field on the Episode Screen in both the LaserDisc
and Video Cassette Modes has been increased to 70 characters.
* The DISC MENU is now accessed with the letter "D" instead of
"C" as with previous versions.
* Under the DISC MENU, the option to LOCATE a specific disc has
been changed. The option is now "FIND DISC", accessed through
the letter "F".
* There were problems with the Automatic Registration
Transferal. From time to time, the program would appear to
work correctly, but upon exiting the program it would be
discovered the .EXE file had somehow shrunk to a very compact
69 bytes. With this version, the A.R.T. has been improved and
should operate correctly.
* In very old discs, the CX Noise Reduction didn't turn on
automatically, even on players equipped with automatic CX
Switching. There is now a option to tag for this in the
SPECIAL FIELD GENERATOR, provided the disc was issued prior to
* In the LaserDisc mode, there are new conditions to being asked
two of the questions in the SPECIAL FIELD GENERATOR. The
"Table of Contents" question is asked only if the Disc Issued
Date is after 1988. The "Minute only Encoded" question is
only asked if the Disc Issued date is prior to 1986.
* The program no longer allows lower case characters in the
catalog fields. If you put lowercase characters in the
catalog entry, they will be converted to uppercase.
Version 1.22b
* Progression Bars have changed color again.
* Shell to Dos option could loose characters in the prompt due
to environmental restrictions in the shell. This is
* Program crashes in the Catalog Verification mode have been
* In the LaserDisc Mode, the "MORE" prompt appeared at every
screen pause, rather than only when there was actually more
Version 1.22
* DiscTrak's executable file is now about half the size due to
advanced freeware programs floating around out in the world
(especially France).
* To switch between Compact Discs and LaserDiscs, there is now
a menu which appears. Mode select will allow you to move
between LD's and CD's. This is to facilitate future
* The Program information screen now totals the number of discs
being tracked by each mode. This is to show you that you're
spending too much money on LaserDiscs and Compact Discs.
* The Serial number verification routine has been tweaked
* The 5 Slave files are only rewritten when they require it.
Originally they were rewritten every time the master records
were updated.
* The progression bar routine has been rewritten. The empty bar
is now a actuated bar rather than a blank bar.
* DiscTrak now checks for duplicate Catalog Numbers in all modes
of operation to keep the Slave's accurately linked to the
* Due to memory constraints inside the DOS SHELL, the unprompted
"Z" option from the MAIN MENU, used to archive the databases,
is no longer available.
* The pop up menus for Disc and Reports no longer appear on the
side of the main menu. Instead, they replace the main menu in
the center of the screen. This is also applicable for the
File Maintenance Routine.
* The Surround Sound modes has a new option. If the Stereo Type
is "Ultra" the Surround Mode is "US" for "Ultra Surround".
* Automatic Registration Transferal is now implemented. If your
version is at least 1.21, Disctrak will read your serial
number out of the "DISCTRAK.EXE" file and install it in the
new version.
* The "Shell to Dos" option now invokes your original prompt,
rather than writing it's own. However, the prompt will have
the "Type 'EXIT' to Return to DiscTrak" message at the
* Reports were being written at only 72 lines per page rather
than 73 as stated in the documentation. With this version,
reports are at the correct 73 line length.
* In Reports, the line separating the header from the report
body was one character too short.
* In the LaserDisc mode, the Surround Sound field was being
generated when it shouldn't have. To Correct this, you are
now asked the surround mode if the STEREO TYPE field is
selected as ANALOG or DIGITAL.
* In the LaserDisc mode, the Stereo Type field did not display
in the View Record section. This has been corrected.
* If the update routine spotted a missing file, during the
creation, the existing files would be tested for update, even
if not necessary.
Version 1.21
* The SHELL TO DOS option from the MAIN menu no longer requires
the SHEL.BAT file. Feel free to delete it from your drive.
* The file DTSET.MEM is no longer used. You can delete it from
your drive if you wish.
* When editing a LaserDisc record, one the several questions are
answered at the beginning, only the answers to those questions
are updated, rather than rewriting the entire screen.
* There is no longer an update program. The update is built
into the code and will test the files for update application
the first time you run any new version of DiscTrak.
* The questions asked at the beginning and end of the LaserDisc
edit screen now only allow the options presented. If an
invalid answer is given, the default or previous answer will
apply. The questions are now displayed one at a time in the
center of the lower half of the screen rather than on a single
line, one below the other. Of course the option not to answer
the questions is still there.
* The program information screen now includes a registration
encouragement message, as well as your serial number.
* Theatrical Trailers are becoming popular. There is now an
option for this in the SPECIAL FIELD GENERATOR.
* Gate Fold Jackets are increasing in numbers. There is now an
option for this feature in the SPECIAL FIELD GENERATOR.
* There is no longer a specific field for CD-Video Format in the
LaserDisc mode of the program. In addition, the CD-Video
format name has been removed from existence. Everything is
now called LaserDisc, as it should.
* I no longer include sample files (SAMPLE.ZIP) as database
creation is now built into the program. If any files cannot
be located, the system will ask if you wish to create them.
* The program now supports verifiable serial numbers. Non-
registered users will be limited to 50 LaserDisc's and 50
Compact Discs before being forced to register. See the main
documentation on how to register.
* The File Maintenance routine has been tweaked, again. It
should be cleaner and quicker.
* Report names have been modified. The name of the report now
incorporates a dash between the standard header and the actual
report name. See the example below:
\-/||| \-/
| ||| \-- Standard Extension
| ||\----- Report Grouping
| |\------ Report Category
| \------- System Mode
\--------- Standard Header
* Internal program logic continues to improve the size and
* Reports are now written to disk through file logic.
* Code duplication has been eliminated by consolidating the
LaserDisc and Compact Disc Edit routines.
* The SPECIAL FIELD GENERATOR has become smarter. Questions
will only be asked if they could possibly be valid. For
example, you will not be asked if the disc has a Short Side in
CAV, if the entire title is in CAV.
Version 1.20a
* New title screen added at program loading.
* Main menu screens have been updated.
* Disctrak now creates any index (.NTX) files if they don't
* File Decompression routines have been completely rewritten.
* Program mode switches have been simplified through a complete
* Color control has been improved.
* Plotting of the Japanese Subtitle information in the View
Record screen of the LaserDisc mode, appears where the closed
caption prompt appears. This is since both cannot be on the
same program.
* Hidden option "Z" from the main menu will call up PKZIP to
archive all databases.
* The Compact Disc database is now file DT7.DBF from DT6.DBF and
the LaserDisc database has been renamed DT6.DBF from DT0.DBF.
* I've updated the dos switch for Compact Disc Mode. "DISCTRAK
C" will still bring up the Compact Disc mode upon program
loading, but it isn't necessary for every running of the
program. The system will remember which mode the program was
in at the last exit point and will return to the same with the
next use of DiscTrak.
* Report grouping is now available. Reports generated by
DiscTrak can be grouped by things such as Title, Category,
MPAA Rating and Year of release. Due to this change, the
report names now have an additional character. The new names
are as follows.
\|||| \-/
|||| \-- Standard Extension
|||\----- Report Grouping
||\------ Report Category
|\------- System Mode
\-------- Standard Header
* DiscTrak no longer searches for "SIDEWAYS.COM" during the
report writer. This functionality has been removed since not
all users have SIDEWAYS. The system now creates reports in
ASCII format 156 x 73. Use the program or printer of your
choice capable of these specifications.
* In the LaserDisc mode, the CAST/CREDITS screen and the EPISODE
INFORMATION screens have been reversed.
* There is now a progression bar during File Maintenance and
during Index Creation. The bar also updates during report
* File Maintenance routines have been rewritten.
* The addition of memory arrays has reduce memory requirements
* Internal system logic has been further modified to decrease
program size.
Version 1.19
* Report names have changed. Prior versions wrote the reports
to file "DISCTRAK.TXT" and erased this file every time a new
report was run. Now, the program creates a file with a name
related to the report run.
\||| \-/
||| \--- Standard Extension
||\------ Report Category
|\------- System Mode
\-------- Standard Header
* The program now looks for "SIDEWAYS.COM" only in the default
directory during the report writer routine. With previous
version, Disctrak also scanned the "\UTIL" directory, for
Sideways. Too may people call their drives too may things for
this functionality to be incorporated.
* There are changes to the "Multi-Channel Audio" field inside
the LaserDisc Mode. Any records you have encoded with
BILINGUAL soundtracks must be updated manually. The data in
your current files can't provide the update routines with
enough information to make the proper adjustments.
* Slave to Master linking has been rewritten.
* The add routine now defaults the catalog number.
* As not everyone has the same system processor running at the
same speed, all timed screen messages are based exclusively on
the system clock, not an internal counter.
* The LaserDisc View option has been completely rewritten.
* Internal system logic has been improved to speed up program.
* The program start-up routine has been changed.
* File Decompression has been modified to take less time.
Version 1.18b
* Number of episodes able to be tracked in the LaserDisc mode
has been upgraded to 4.
* In the LaserDisc mode, the Add a Disc routine has been
* Screen colors have been significantly altered for a much
cleaner look.
* In the LaserDisc mode, the LIBRARY classifications have been
changed. Main Library and Back Library have been changed to
Movie and Non-Movie respectively.
* The VIEW option under the LaserDisc mode has been restructured
to be faster and more accurate with information.
* The database for the Compact Discs has been renamed from
DT00.DBF to DT6.DBF.
* As DISCTRONICS does not use COLD CAST Replications, the tag
for them has been removed in the VIEW option of the LaserDisc
* A Program Information screen has been added, displaying
version, compile time and date.
* Command line switches for each mode have been added.
* Report routine is now accessed with "R" rather than "P".
* File Decompression routines have been improved.
* In the LaserDisc edit routine, only valid library options are
allowed. Previously anything you stuck in the field would be
allowed, causing all types of dumb problems.
* Slave to Master linking has been improved.
* General internal code clean-up to speed up the program.
Version 1.17c
* First issue as shareware.
* An exit message has been added.
* DiscTrak now scans for missing files while loading. All
missing file names are displayed.
* All compatibility with dBASE III+ and dBASE IV has been
removed, including most of the related code.
* Locate Disc option under the DISC MENU is about 1000 times
smarter, although this is transparent to the user.
* Beginning and End of File bumpers in the Next/Previous
routines inside the DISC MENU are improved.
* The copyright line is drawn much faster now.
* Report headers are now created when writing reports rather
than when changing modes.
* Internal structure modifications to incorporate more
intelligent programming routines. These changes also realize
an improvement in execution speed.
* References to CD-Video Singles in the LaserDisc mode have been
removed to avoid duplication in the Compact Disc Database.
* Edit and view screens on the LaserDisc mode now are paged only
on the lower half of the screen, displaying the title, audio,
video and disc information at all times during the edit and
* While recording information into the database, a status
message is now displayed.
* File Maintenance routine has been completely rewritten for
greater speed and logic.
* Reports now test for an possible empty report before
Version 1.06
* In addition to LaserDisc's, DiscTrak now also tracks Compact
Discs in a separate database. The CD mode can track up to 35
individual song titles for each disc and also has tags for CD-
Video and CD3 discs.
* Rather than one database as used in the past, we now use
multiple databases. As a result, DiscTrak now is seven
database files.
* Multiple reports are now available through the REPORTS MENU
that were not available previously.
* SHELL to Dos is now available.
* The STEPPER MENU has been called the DISC MENU now.
* The SELECT DISC has now been called LOCATE DISC in the Disc
* Full functionality implementation between dBASE III+, dBASE IV
and Clipper has been introduced.
* The copyright line across the bottom of the screen is
displayed throughout the program now. The version of the
program is now on this line as well.
* File Maintenance, while not faster in entire process due to
the increase number of databases, is more intelligent and
sorts quicker, per database.
* The ADD Disc and EDIT DISC options are now referencing the
same internal code, rather than calling in completely
different routines.
* The PRINT RECORD and VIEW RECORD routines have been combined
to remove duplication of code.
* When adding a disc, rather than relying the user to type in
things like "Dolby" under stereo type, there are now several
questions which are asked to input the information into the
database. These included recording format, widescreen ratios
and close captioning.
* The addition of the multiple databases has reduced the overall
structure of the files stored on disk. Field linking has been
implemented, requiring the use of a decompression routine when
running the program.
* A TAG field has been added to compensate for multiple
locations of a disc throughout your collection. This field
also marks records for deletion.
* The SPECIAL FIELD GENERATOR now includes the Minute Encode,
Japanese Subtitles, Table of Contents, Multi-Channel Audio,
Digital Video Transfers, Supplemental Material, Magnetic Audio
Masters, Sepia Tone Coloring and Short Side CAV rather than
dedicating fields to them directly. This data is written into
a special hidden field which will not infringe on the Special
Features field as with previous versions.
* The Multi-Channel audio has been modified to allow for Digital
Sound applications as well as Bilingual and Analog Multi-
Channel sound.
* A non-controllable flag is now present during the LaserDisc
View routine stating the replication process used by the
pressing facility. Most of the time, this will state
INJECTION MOLD. Discs pressed at 3M use COLD CAST MOLD which
will be stated as such. In order for this to work, the first
four characters of the pressing field must be "3M M" exactly.
Discs pressed by DISCTRONICS will also state COLD CAST which
was later determined to be incorrect.
* We used to use a PRETITLE field for things like THE, AN, A
used at the beginning of some movie titles. This was to
maintain the proper sorting of the database by the correct
title. The PRETITLE field has been removed, putting the above
mentioned words back in with the main title. In the ADD
routine for the LaserDiscs, you are asked to input the title
exactly as spoken, such as "An Officer and a Gentleman" and
DiscTrak will alter the title to be "Officer and a Gentleman,
An". During the VIEW and PRINT routines for individual
records, the title is reassembled into back to the way you
typed it originally. When you are editing a disc, however,
you will be allowed to change the way DiscTrak has formatted
the title.
* We've increased the number of Stars the program can track up
to 7 from 6.
* The number of Episode titles the LaserDisc mode can track has
been upgraded from 2 to 3.
* The Next/Previous options in the DISC MENU now include end of
file and beginning of file bumpers to keep from displaying
null records.
* Report headers are printed in much greater detail than before,
giving date, time, page number, Report name, program version
and other handy data.
* Reports are now internally written rather than calling in
outside .FRM files.
* Ah, the grand experiment. Modular programming has made the
program infinitely faster and really cleaned up lots of code
Version 0.90
* Well, a stand alone program which looks nothing like the
anything done previously. This version can stand alone in a
Clipper environment, although I wasn't programming in Clipper
just yet.
* Everything has been reformatted. All fields are geared toward
actual abbreviations rather than an "X" in a block.
* The STAR report, which was not really complete is no longer
* Key letter access on all menu choices rather than numbered
* Add, Edit and View screens have been completely reformatted.
* Credits now include Writer and Screenplay Authors.
* SPECIAL FEATURES FIELD GENERATOR has been added to track
things such as Supplemental Material, Short Side CAV, Magnetic
Audio masters, Digital Video Transfer and Sepia Tone. The
answers for these questions will be displayed in the Special
Features Field.
* Stepper Menu now gives full interaction to the database,
allowing you to see which record you're about to view or edit
before you do. Also this will let you step from record to
record, forward or backward through the entire database.
* All program control is internal to the code now except for the
report writer which still requires the .FRM file.
* Printing an individual record is now supported.
* Screen colors are a nice added touch.
* All data, when viewed is displayed in simple english terms
rather than the abbreviated codes used to enter the data.
This is only possible if you match what I was thinking when I
wrote the program. In the STEREO TYPE field, for example, if
you enter "DOLBY" rather than "Dolby", things tend to mess up.
Version 0.10
* Initial version. What a joke.